Quick Update

Quick Update (order of priority):

– Some links are still broken (I believe I have found all of them, and will fix them within a day or two)
– Not all of the information is as easily accessed as it was – should be cleared up in a few days.
– The Search feature is not nearly as good as it should be, and I will be fixing that.
– The new layout is not perfect by any means, and I hope to work on it later in the week or next week.

Things that are on the backburner (these will actually go fairly fast)
– Paste old forums’ threads posted into new forums
– Current screenshots of all applications mentioned here (non-genealogy specific applications will have screenshots showing their users in genealogy), as well as check all applications I have information about to make sure their information is current and/or correct.
– Post reviews that were finished, but not posted.

Online applications such as The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding and PhpGedView. I’m in the process of updating a small guide I wrote last year about using these applications. The people at GenealogySoftwareGuide asked if I would help with setting up demos/comparisons of the online applications like TNG and PhpGedView since I’ve done it for myself and for a few others. I may do this, although there is a person with a blog about online genealogy that I’m trying to contact, that maybe better suited for this. We’ll see what happens. I still want to setup a guide, and include how to host the site on a Mac.