MacFamilyTree 7.0.3

Mac FamilyTree 7 for OS X Earlier today, MacFamilyTree 7.0.3 was released. You can launch the Mac App Store application and update from within there, or through the MacFamilyTree 7 app itself (click on the MacFamilyTree menu, then Check for Updates…).

This is a recommended update for everybody, especially those using FamilySearch, and/or who have larger databases. 7.0.3 focuses on updates and improvements – no new items were added.

MacFamilyTree 7.0.3 Changes
– Importing and exporting GEDCOM files improved
– Localization improvements
– Fixed crash when adding notes to events
– Sorting events by date fixed when viewing places
– Login issues to FamilySearch fixed
– Performance enhancements for larger databases
– Other stability improvements

You can pick up the demo through the Synium Software website or you can purchase it here: MacFamilyTree 7 (Mac App Store)).

Reminder: The upgrade pricing of $29.99 applies through July 31, 2013.