Census Information – Spreadsheets

Two sites that maybe of interest (they do both want e-mail address though..). They deal with spreadsheets created to work with census information.
Check them out if your curious how others are using spreadsheets to track census data (genealogy programs aren’t always the best bet for this).

Census Tools Electronic Spreadsheets“35 spreadsheets available covering the U.S., Canada, England, Ireland and Scotland” Also “spreadsheets for all federal records as well as the states of Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York and Wisconsin.”

They have a Mac downloads page as well. They are compatible with most modern spreadsheets, so shouldn’t be a problem to use.

CensusMate.com works with pre-1850s census data, with a lot of clear examples of it works and how you can use it to generate timelines and the like. A “Worksheet for Genealogy and Family History” and “Use this TimeLine Format to find ages, names, and birthdates from 1800 to 1850 US Census Data”.

If you know of any others, please contact us.
