Hog Bay Notebook 3.5b has been released. This is a beta, however it looks to be a final beta, and this is shaping up to make 3.5 a very solid release.Hog Bay Notebook lets you record and organize your ideas in a convenient way. Bring order to your Mac with this simple and powerful tool. Hog Bay Notebook makes it easy to quickly record and and organize your thoughts without breaking your stride. A clean interface and powerful outliner make Hog Bay Notebook a pleasure to use and easy to integrate into your work flow.
November 15, 2004 – 3.5 Beta
* New three-pane interface providing faster access to your entries.
* Added folder, file, and bullet entry types.
* Added three new view choices: table, outline, and flattened outline.
* Improved keyboard support for navigating the interface and manipulating entries.
* Improved menu layout and design.
* New display columns in the folder drawer and entry view.
* New color label column.
* New bookmark column.
* New status checkbox column.
* New rating column.
* New created and modified date columns.
* Ability to create, rename, and delete your own custom columns.
* New full-text global find-and-replace.
* New PDF user guide with tutorial.
* New ability to open multiple notebook viewers on the same notebook.
* Improved printing support, including page numbers, headings, and page breaks.
* Better history navigation–also remembers your past search results.
* Ability to lock entries to prevent changes.
* Ability to show whitespace characters including tab, space, and return in the text editor.
* Returned ability to float your notebook window above all other windows.
* Improved wiki link and URL recognizer–now strips punctuation from the end of links.
* Retention of links contained in text copied from a web page.
* Expert search options, including ability to search by any of the column attributes.
* Search terms now highlighted in the entry view in addition to the text view.
* Secondary selection in folder drawer indicates selected search results parent.
* Move up and Move down commands now also apply to paragraphs in the text view.
* Expanded applescript dictionary for accessing entry attributes.
* Customize the inserted date and time format in the preferences.
* Supports drag-and-drop of URLs from Safari.
* Returned trash can from version 2.1.