Commentary: An Apple Renaissance…

Just a few quick comments, not exactly genealogy related (well it could be – the number of genealogists using Macs may start to rise)….all concerning the Mac mini. There has been a lot of talk over the past day or so about Best Buy once again selling Macs (Mac minis … Read more

Utility: iuTime v1.20

iuTime is a free utility from UNI Technologies Corporation, that allows you to perform time and date calculations (subtractions, additions, etc. between multiple dates). Official Site Requires: MacOS X 10.2.7 Changes: * [new] Preference to open a particular tab at application startup. * [new] Preference to set a particular date … Read more

Online: Retrospect-GDS 1.6.4

The Retrospect-GDS Project has updated Retrospect-GDS to 1.6.4.Retrospect-GDS is A web app designed to display genealogy information. Data can be stored in one of several databases including MySQL. Supports multiple languages. The look and feel can be changed easily using the built in templating system. SourceForge.Net Project Page and Official … Read more

Information: CD-ROM products and Macs

I spoke with the folks over at about using Macs to view the genealogy data on the CD-ROMs they publish/sell, and they informed me they are working on a Mac solution (right now the viewers are Windows only). They don’t have a timeframe as of yet, but will e-mail/contact … Read more

Macworld: Apple’s New Products

By now, you may have heard about Apple’s new offerings : Mac mini. They did it. A new, entry-level Mac at $499. Six and a half inches square and two inches tall. Think about that for a few minutes. Much of it is Build-To-Order as well (faster CPU, more memory, … Read more

Software: Notebook 2.0

Two major updates/announcements for journaling/outlining/notebook software. Some people use those terms interchangeably, but regardless many genealogists are using these or similar software products in addition to their normal genealogy programs. Circus Ponies will release version 2.0 of it’s note-taking/organizing software, NoteBook in March for $50. Among the 150 new features, … Read more