Update: FTLCtimelines –

FTLCtimelines has been updated to version for Mac OS X (Mac OS 9x untested). This is a major update. FTLC stands for “finite time lines and circles”:

A program to automatically generate timelines across a range of time intervals (from seconds to years [AD & BC]).

Timelines may include points in time and spans of time.

Includes the generation of “time circles”.Events may be grouped according to user defined categories.

This version alters the basics of the timeline graphics windows in the following way: before there were two types (classes) of the window (the main and sub timeline) with one window created for each type at start up (nothing more available); now there is one type of timeline window with nine instances of the window available for user creation (the limit is my discretion).

The “saved file” structure of FTLCtimeline files have also been modified, so if you have important timelines, you may want to back them up before use though I’ve seen no problems in my limited testing.

There is no OS 9 version for this release.


    1) timeline views can be saved in file and loaded into any timeline window (menu> FTLCwindows > windowview > submenus (to delete views use option key when pressing menubar [ if there’s any window views available]). Saved Views include start-end dates, categories shown, stamped text and a few other attributes.
    2) SpanRecord & EventRecord windows can call up a simple calendar (w/digital am/pm clock) for non B.C. dates to record or check dates.


    1) Up to 10 timeline windows available (limit based on programmer discretion)
    2) Timeline window has a few added options…
    ** a) Resizing can show window length (to more accurately set timeline length).
    ** b) Copy only spans & axis or events & axis.
    ** c) Reset window parameters (edit menu).
    ** d) Link span to events in a category of the same name as the span.
    ** e) PopUpBox text may be aligned left, right or center and may be edited
    (some controls placed in Edit Menu).
    ** f) Stamped Text: some controls placed in edit menu and stamped text may be selected for limited editing or removal (note: the eraser is gone for stamped text, stamped text is erased on a stamp by stamp basis when stamp is selected).
    ** g) Clicking axis shows the axis date estimate differently, more readable.
    ** h) Color of axis and its hash marks can be changed.
    3) Media Window controls moved to the MenuBar.
    4) many dialog boxes belonging to windows are now sheets
    5) Global font and “Fill color off sets” saved on file by file basis


    1) stamped pop up boxes now stamp visible portion of pop up box (before, apparently always stamped top portion of editfield’s text)
    2) When a category is deleted, now records retain their proper category (if it’s not the deleted one).

known issue: When FTLC windows menu items are selected by their command key equivalents, the menu bar does not deselect (do not know for sure if this is my problem or the compiler’s problem)