Lemke Software’s GraphicConverter has undergone some major changes and improvements since it was last mentioned here (5.5.x, and now it’s at 5.6.2).
Mac-based genealogists should note that the mrSID image/raster files’ support has been greatly improved. What this means, is you can now have an easier time handling census data using the mrSID format, from certain genealogy sites, as well as maps from locations such as the U.S. Library of Congress’ Civil War Map Collection.
Admin Note: You will need to download the free mrSID plugin from Lemke Software’s plugin section.
The 5.6.x upgrade of GCX works very well with mrSID files. No more dropping into Classic/OS 9 to work with older plugins/utilities.
If you click on the thumbnail below, I’ve posted a cropped image of a map of Gettysburg (cropped only, no resizing).