Note: The changes listed below were translated using Google, and they may not be 100% accurate. If you can provide an accurate translation, please contact us. All errors below are the result of our translation.
* In the person list the first names are capitalized/emphasized
* “Sosacode” (word exclusion?) capable of being turned off during GEDCOM export
* If a file under an already existing name is being saved, the original will have the extension of .BAK
* Fixed: Adoptions were treated wrongly in the GEDCOM import/export
* The Import protocol of the GEDCOM importing is now saved on the Desktop in the file FB Import.TXT
* During import, errors are now documented.
* Fixed: The wizard/butler (guide) colors were not saved.
* Fixed: The GEDCOM export exported too many families, if several children of different partners were present.
* Persons marked as deleted (begins with “deleted Person(“) in the GEDCOM export are not exported.
* If new persons are added to reference persons, those who are deleted will be characterized (?)
* If a person was partnered with itself, that could not be changed, and it display an error message (?)
* A person cannot be entered as partners of a child or parents or itself.
* After input of an incorrect search sample, the search window was not displayed again
* Various other smaller errors fixed.