Personal Ancestry Writer II v50 (1 Apr 2006)

The April 1st, 2006 update to Personal Ancestry Writer II (PAWriter II) version 50 was posted today. As you may know, PAWriter II is a Genealogy Application that was designed from the ground up to have features similar to the original Personal Ancestral File (PAF) for MacOS (PAW supports MacOS and Mac OS X). This update includes an enhancment to the user interface, and an addtition to the html reports.

NewsLetter 2.6

It’s been a while since we mentionedNewsletter, and version 2.6 was released this morning. NewsLetter is, in the words of its developer, a free batch emailer, speciallly thought for newsletters. Its interface is very simple and intuitive, and it features the creation of plain text and HTML messages (simple or multipart), customization of subject and body using “smart tags” and attachments (including inline attachments in HTML messages). You can send the messages immediatelly or save them in MBOX format.

Many of us maintaining contacts with spread out members of the family (i.e. we are the unofficial official contact point for everybody), and this is an easy way to keep in touch, as well as perhaps generate an interest in genealogy from other family members.


Highlights of Changes Since v2.2
Version 2.6
– Changed email encoding to UTF-8 (read help docs for more info).
– Updated documentation to reflect some important things.
– Built as universal binary.
– Extended filters for Entourage-import-addresses option.
– Added SSL support and override port options (XMail upgrade) –> ie, gmail support.

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Records Manager 2.9.2

John Woodward has updated Records Manager extensively since we last mentioned it. Records Manager is MacOS X software that allows you to collect important records (such as bank statements or receipts) in a database and allow for easy addition of new records, easy access to existing records, and optional automatic backup of the database. Think of it as a replacement for a file cabinet but with easier filing and retrieval. You can optionally encrypt your records with 128-bit AES encryption to keep them secure. It costs $24 and requires Mac OS X 10.2.8.

Personal Ancestry Writer II v50 (25 Mar 2006)

Howard Metcalfe has releasedPersonal Ancestry Writer II (PAWriter II) version 50 today. PAWriter II is a MacOS/Mac OS X Genealogy Application that was designed from the ground up to have features similar to the original Personal Ancestral File (PAF) for MacOS. This release adds many new features including UI/navigation changes, pictures/multimedia (note: Version 49 will not be able to load data files that have had pictures added under Version 50).
Personal Ancestry Writer II

* Added pictures and a Pictures menu.
* Reassigned command-B, -O (letter O) and -W; command-B will now be used to
show/hide the shortcut buttons while command-O and command-W will be used in
the Pictures menu.
* Added tagging of people with pictures, and with pictures that can’t be found.
* Added a Window menu.
* Updated the reference guide to reflect these changes.

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