John Woodward has updated Records Manager extensively since we last mentioned it. Records Manager is MacOS X software that allows you to collect important records (such as bank statements or receipts) in a database and allow for easy addition of new records, easy access to existing records, and optional automatic backup of the database. Think of it as a replacement for a file cabinet but with easier filing and retrieval. You can optionally encrypt your records with 128-bit AES encryption to keep them secure. It costs $24 and requires Mac OS X 10.2.8.
Some of the changes since it was last mentioned here:
* Added ability to find by contents of notes.
* Reimplemented Find function to support multiple find criteria and to allow finding by modified date and pathname.
* Added “Smart Folders” — continuously-updated folders that contain files matching specified criteria.
* Added folder/file icons to the folder/file window, to allow you to distinguish smart folders from regular folders.
* Added Backup Database command to backup upon demand.
* Added the ability to drag/drop multiple files/folders.
* Added the ability to associate notes with folders as well as files.