Why PAWriter II Was Developed
If you are curious about why Personal Ancestry Writer II was developed, Howard Metcalfe has put together a page (accessed here) about why he developed PAWriter II
MacGenealogy.org is on hiatus. Please follow us at https://GenealogySoftware.net
Skip to contentIf you are curious about why Personal Ancestry Writer II was developed, Howard Metcalfe has put together a page (accessed here) about why he developed PAWriter II
Personal Ancestry Writer II (PAWriter II) version 51, 27 April 2006 is out and address an obscure bug that cropped up from the last release.
If you are into scrapbooking, and have used iRemember from Intriguing Development, or are thinking about it, there is a contest that you might want to join. iRemember is Mac OS X “digital scrapbooking” software.
Personal Ancestry Writer II (PAWriter II) version 50, 23 April 2006, was released yesterday. This is a free Mac genealogy application that was written to have many of the same features found in the original Personal Ancestry File genealogy program (PAF for Mac), to allow for an easy transition for those moving from PAF for Mac. One of the new features is that it’s distributed in a disk image format, and the developer notes that if upgrading, you should only copy over the new version of PAWriter II and the reference guide – ignore the example data and scrapbook files.
Birthdaybook, the Applescript application that collects and reminds you of upcoming birthdays, has been updated (version 3.4), to correct some errors from the migration to a Universal Binary. It integrates with Address Book and iCal, and can generate lists to be printed out as well.
You can download it here
Personal Ancestry Writer II (PAWriter II) version 50, 15 April 2006, has been released by Howard Metcalfe. This is a free genealogy application that can run under either MacOS 8.6/9 (Classic) or Mac OS X. It’s written with the goal to have many of the same features found in the original Personal Ancestry File genealogy program (PAF for Mac). This version consists of enhanements in the outpout/reports and the navigation window.