Reunion 9.03 is available for download (download here ( Version 9.03 of the genealogy application includes fixes when transferring files back and forth between PowerPC and Intel-based Macs, improvements in Citations, last name handling, fixes/changes in editing, as well as many other changes.
* Editing in Lists – added a button to disable editing in lists. This is a global preference and is located in the Index Preferences window.
* Cross Platform issues – fixed endian problems when moving files from PPC to Intel or vice versa.
* Citations – Citations in text of note fields are copied/pasted, and can be dragged/dropped.
* Clipboard – fixed problems removing and deleting people from the Clipboard.
* Index – single quote is ignored when determining prefix words (so a surname like O’Reilly will be considered one word.
* Last Name UPPERCASE button – McDee will be converted to McDEE.
* Initial Caps button – will ignore quotation marks in fields.
* GEDCOM Export window – the “GEDCOM character set” popup menu setting is remembered (this is not a global preference).