Last week, I mentioned that after a long drought, would be bringing Family Tree Maker for Mac back to the Mac world, and that they would try to match the Windows version of Family Tree Maker 2010.
Since then, they’ve posted some more information along with screenshots (link). Here then, in no particular order, are my notes/thoughts on what they’ve posted since the initial press release. Keep in mind I’m not familiar with the Windows version and am looking at it from the perspective of a Mac user.
* Mention is made that it will be available later in 2010 at “major retailers.” If this means (in the USA) Best Buy, Office Max, Target, Wal-Mart, etc., then it’s great for Mac users no matter what genealogy software you use. Right now if somebody is looking at buying a Mac and they check for genealogy software in a retail store, unless they are in an Apple Store, they are not going to find any. The Apple Stores near me carry MacFamilyTree and Reunion, but good luck at finding either of those two at a retail store that isn’t run by Apple. It may not seem like a big deal to a lot of us who are used to finding our genealogy software online, but there are plenty of people who buy their software at retail stores.