Mac Genealogy FAQ updated for iPhones and iPads

I’ve updated the Mac Genealogy Software Frequently Asked Questions page and added a new page, in response to a question that was asked of me.

The question was in regards to iPhone and iPad versions of Mac OS X genealogy software. Right now there are basically two dedicated iOS/iPhone OS genealogy apps that are tied to Mac OS X genealogy software. Reunion for iPhone/iPad that works with Reunion 9 and MobileFamilyTree which connects with your MacFamilyTree genealogy data. Keep in mind that these mobile applications require you to have the desktop or laptop Mac OS X versions of that particular software. They will not allow you to synchronize with other applications.

If you don’t use Reunion or MacFamilyTree, or even if you do, there are several other options for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad users as far as mobile genealogy applications. You can check the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad genealogy software listing at Those allow you to export your genealogy data as GEDCOM files and then import them. It adds a few steps and is not as elegant as the two programs mentioned above, and you might not be able to export/import everything, but they work for the most part, and they aren’t tied to specific genealogy programs, allowing you to work with either Mac or Windows genealogy programs.

New FAQ page:
* iPhones, iPod touches, iPads, and Mac Genealogy Software