Synium Software has updated their Mac OS X genealogy software, MacFamilyTree 6.0, to MacFamilyTree 6.0.8.
If you need to export a GEDCOM file, such as sharing with a family member or important into online genealogy software, then this update is highly recommended as there are several fixes in the GEDCOM Exporter tool. There are quite a few other fixes and updates and improvements in 6.0.8.
Changes/Updates in MacFamilyTree 6.0.8
* Many fixes in the GEDCOM Exporter
* Several localization fixes
* Performance of the charting system improved
* Fixes for the Web/HTML export
* Minor user interface improvements
If you are an existing MacFamilyTree 6.0 owner or user, you should be able to download it automatically. If you want to download and try MacFamilyTree 6 in a demo mode, or you just want the full version, you can download it from: Synium Software. mode.