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Speculation is either Apple will have their North Carolina data center online and will be announcing some kind of cloud service where you can access the content you buy through iTunes through any device or the web easily, or more likely the Beatles catalog will be coming to iTunes after all these years.
The Wall Street Journal as well as Billboard seem to think
Arguments for a Beatles release through iTunes
* “Just Another Day” is a lyric from a Paul McCartney song
* “You’ll never Forget” is apparently a lyric from a Ringo Starr song
* Some are pointing at the clocks as representing the four Beatles, or representing the cover to “Help!”
* EMI needs the money
* Steve Jobs is a huge Beatles fan
I actually hope it is a Beatles announcement, because that would stop people from immediately assuming that future music or iTunes-related announcements are Beatles-related.
I think it probably is Beatles-related. We are coming up on the holidays very quickly, and it’s not a good time for Apple to be announcing any new products that would be sold through retail channels. It also isn’t a good time for software-related announcements since Apple would have made them last month, or held off until January, in order to keep the focus on what’s currently available. Something that is sold online/through iTunes on the other hand is very believable.