This week, GEDitCOM II was upgraded to GEDitCOM II version 1.7, Build 2 (14 March 2012). This is another major update to GEDitCOM II that follows Version 1.7 (released at the start of last month), and the developer notes:
Whenever a new version comes out (such as Version 1.7) some features do not make it or some great ideas arise due to user feedback on using that version. Sometimes urgent bug fixes or needed. Fortunately, no serious bugs are know in version 1.7, but some good ideas came in and this upgrade responds to some of them.
I’m going to list highlights of the changes, but if you want to read the full release notes, please see the GEDitCOM II Release Notes (
Changes and Updates in GEDitCOM II Version 1.7 Build 2
Two new scripts for mapping are included
1) “Places in This File” – will generate a map with pins for all of the places listed in place records that have a known bounding box. Can be the entire world or select continents.
2) “Events Places for Windows Records” – will draw a map with pins for all events that occurred at an address or place with known latitude and longitude. CAn be for: an individual, a family and its individuals, or all individual and family records listed in the current front window.
As noted, for the mapping feature to work fully, you need to have latitude and longitude coordinates for places and events. In Version 1.7 Build 2, you can now attach latitude and longitude to any address in your genealogy file.
A “Visit” event has been added to individuals and families that can map travels.
The Place Advisor coverage now covers the entire world down to, and including, the city, town, and village level.
The Organizing Places feature from Version 1.7 has been upgraded:
A new script “Move Part of Place to Address” addresses the fact that Places works best if place name is a town without address information, and the script helps move address information in place names to address fields instead.
Address entries are now more prominent (to encourage using address fields) and will be included in most reports, books, and report scripts.
If you are deleting place records, you will get a warning if the place is in use.
General GEDitCOM Enhancements and Improvements
– 64-bit: GEDitCOM II is now a 32-bit/64-bit Universal App. Faster/better with larger genealogy databases.
– Latest version of Media Browser window
– File -> Import -> GEDCOM instead of the “Open” command. Y
– When opening a GEDCOM file from another source, you are given the option of validating the data.
– Each type of record has separate preferences to remember its window size.
– “When sorting individual events and attributes, dates for attributes are now assumed to be a date period (e.g., FROM one date TO another) unless specifically stated as a range (e.g., BET one date AND another). Date periods sort by the first date in the period rather than the midpoint.”
– Index window now remembers changes to column order and size (also bounding box field in place records).
– When deleting records in the index window, the next one is selected after the deletion.
Other Changes
– Script rewritten to open a place in GeoHack to work with new latitude and longitude entry options.
– Up and down arrows are used to indicate further ancestors or descendants instead of “+” signs. Indicator strings can be customized as well.
– “Map” button in the “Events” pane will map events for that record
– Addresses are displayed in more places within GEDitCOM.
Scripting Improvements
– Previously mentioned mapping and place editing scripts
– Added script to export GEDCOM file with all notes embedded in records
– Added script to merge all identical notes.
– Improved Book script to show addresses as well as other improvements
– Scripting description command now works with new place and book style records.
– GEDitCOM II module for Python scripting improved, documented in GEDitCOM II help
The GEDitCOM Editor was also improved
– Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard users will need to download a special build that does not have the Media Browser as there is an issue (that the GEDitCOM developer is working on). See the download link below for the build.
– Even if you do not own a copy of GEDitCOM II, you can download it and use it as a free GEDCOM reader, basically an extended trial.
If you are currently using GEDitCOM II, it should notify you that there is a new version.
Download: GEDitCOM II