New Heredis for Mac – 2012, A Few Details

If you were a Heredis Mac X.2 user, you were probably wondering what Heredis is up to. They’ve went back to the drawing board to design a completely new Heredis for Mac, that takes advantage of, and works with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. It is being designed for the Mac from the ground up and they are sticking with their “Genealogy made easy” slogan for the new Heredis, and this is their guiding philosophy:

This version is based on the principles that Heredis should be easy to pick up and use. And it is designed to be like “Mac” with its ease of use.

Very little information is available right now, due to it being still in the alpha phase, and with features changing, but here’s a little information:
– Currently in alpha testing with a wide range of testers from several different countries. Testers cover a wide range of experience from beginners to experts, and previous users of Heredis as well as non-Heredis users.
– Will be entering beta testing later this spring
– Will integrate Unicode/UFT-8 support
– Will have support for LDS/TempleReady information

My impressions from the screenshots:
– They have achieved their desire for a “Mac-like” genealogy program
– The user interface looks good
– The information in the different views is clear
– I like the “Immediate Family” view where you get both photos and brief information (names, birth/death years or dates depending on level)
– The illustrated index of locations also looks interesting, complete with a clear display of who lived, died, or was married there, statistics about certain locations, support for web addresses.
– The Charts/Trees (Single-Page Charts, Designed Charts, Fan Charts, etc.) has a very nice interface, similar to Mac OS X’s Finder “Cover Flow”.

– New Heredis for Mac page at Mac Genealogy Software
New Heredis for Mac – 2012 Screenshot Gallery