It seems to be a trend – every few weeks, a massive update to Reunion 10, which was a complete rewrite of the popular Mac OS X genealogy software. This time it’s version 10.0.3 and it brings with it a major upgrade to Reunion 10’s “Search the Web” feature, with 47 websites now available
Among some of the highlights:
– You can create custom web search groups with drag and drops.
– Numerous interface changes
– Improved compatibility with the Firefox web browser
– LDS Ordinances window has been reinstated.
– Numerous bug fixes
If you haven’t tried it yet, you can download it here. In addition to being avalailable for purchase through the Reunion website, it’s also available at If you have tried it, or purchased or upgraded it, you can select the update feature built into Reunion 10.
Full list of Reunion changes below.
Reunion 10.0.3 “Search the Web” Update
- 47 sites are now included.
- Pop-up access to: favorites, groups, “all sites,” and individual sites within each group.
Web searching preferences includes
- Ability to create custom groups of searches via drag and drop.
- Ability to reorder sites in each group, including your favorites.
- Brief information about each site.
- A button to visit each site’s home page for further exploration.
- The ability to exclude any site from the master “All Sites” menu (so you won’t see sites irrelevant to your particular research.)
- The ability to update your sites. You can click one button and gather all new and updated search sites from our server.
Reunion 10.0.3 – Other Updates/Changes
- Scrolling is supported in the Add Source window when adding a new source and the number of existing source types is very large.
- Increased the maximum length of the Narrative Form “Verb” field for family events and marriage fields to 80 characters.
- Increased the number of columns in the List window to 12 (effectively, 11 plus the marking column).
- Improved compatibility with the Firefox browser when dragging/dropping images from Firefox web pages into person buttons, the Media window, and the Multimedia sidebar in Reunion.
- A larger application icon has been created for better appearance in the Finder’s Cover Flow view.
- Place reports that include usage will also include the place note field.
- The Source window > Preview will better reflect the way endnotes will be reported by omitting the list of linked multimedia items if the “Include Multimedia File List” button is not checked in Reunion Preferences -> Reports -> Sources.
- Pressing Command and + (plus sign) on the numeric keypad will properly invoke the keyboard shortcut to increase the font size in the family view.
- In the Contact Info window, the Add Contact button has been renamed to Add Field.
- The LDS Ordinances window has been reinstated (from R9). Choose File -> LDS -> LDS Ordinances. The “Export TempleReady” button has been omitted — it no longer is relevant.
- The “List – Places” window will now remember the size of its three sections.
Corrected spelling errors in perspective events files. - Fixed a rare problem with blank maps appearing when attempting to map a place.
- Fixed a problem where the size of text specified for citations in fields under the source couple wasn’t being applied. This is set in Preferences > Family View > Miscellaneous.
- Fixed a problem with place names exported via the File -> Export -> TEXT feature.
- Fixed a problem in Edit Family > Events, where double-clicking on an Event wasn’t showing the Edit Event sheet.
- Fixed cosmetic problems when displaying feasibility inside child buttons.
- Fixed a problem where the Date Feasibility warning message and the Edit Event window would overlap and get stuck.
- Fixed a problem with the List window involving dragging certain columns and thus confusing the display of relationships in list columns.
- Fixed a problem where place usage wasn’t properly updated after the copying and pasting of place entries.
- Fixed a problem with the relationship calculations: If the G Grandmother married the GG uncle as a second spouse, the relationship was being displayed as Step-G Grandfather rather than GG Uncle. Reunion will always favor the blood relationship over the non-blood relationship.
- Fixed a problem when deleting or pasting events in the Edit Person panel involving the subsequent place usage list being “off by one.”
- Fixed a “stuck” problem relating to network access and the safety check that Reunion performs to see if the family file is already open.
- Fixed a problem with the caching of files that could result in incorrect search results when using the search box in the People sidebar.
- Fixed a problem where the family view was not properly refreshed after removing a child in the Edit Family > Children panel.
- Fixed a problem affecting case-sensitive web servers relating to the tree chart arrow buttons not appearing. This would occur when the “UPPERCASE” button was selected in Preferences > Web > Reports > Files.
- Fixed two issues relating to text entered into the search fields of the Find panel. In some cases, the text would not get properly saved when clicking the + button to create a new preset. In some cases text entered into the search fields would not be remembered if it was changed and the Find panel was closed without performing the search.
- Several additions and improvements to the manual.
Fixed crashes in the following areas
- With multiple family files open while accessing the Edit Event sheet.
- With multiple family files open while accessing the Places sidebar/list with usage.
- With multiple family files open and, in some circumstances, closing one of them.
- When using the Edit Event window with the Autocomplete list.
- When adding new people with an invalid automatic source number.
- When deleting all citations to a source while the source usage Results list was visible.
- When dragging columns in the children list in the family view.
- With Multimedia Usage reports.
- When creating very large web projects (25,000 or more people) with trees included.
In Edit Family > Children.