Genealogy Pro
Product Page:
Publisher: Genealogy Pro Software Services
Type: Genealogy Application
License/Cost: Commercial/Shareware – $20 (Free download, useable for 30 days, is available)
Last Updated: Version 2.2 (July 2007)
GEDCOM Support: Yes
Hardware Requirements: Intel or PowerPC with G3 or greater (G4 recommended) Mac
Universal Binary: Yes, Available as of 2.1+
Platform: PowerPC or Intel
MacOS Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2.8
Note: User Manual (
Official Description:
Genealogy Pro for MacOS X is a genealogy application for storing family relationships and drawing family trees. It is low cost, has many features, the primary features being the easy to use graphical interface, family tree charting functions and the easy to use web publishing that allows sharing of your family tree with friends and family on the internet.
Screenshot Gallery: Version 2.0pr5
Sharing Genealogy Data Online
Network Site
Genealogy is a web based service for publishing your family tree to share with friends and family on the internet. It features:
* An online database that stores family relationships;
* Simple web-browser based interface;
* Viewing of Notes, charts, images and source documentation;
* “Image mapped” charts – clicking on a person in a chart will direct the browser to that persons family information.
* Option to restrict access of family tree information to registered users of your choice.
* Easy layout and uploading using the free Genealogy Pro Upload Manager.
Reviews: (If you’d like to contribute one, Contact us)
– Family Tree Magazine – Apple Picking (July 2008) (Version 2.2): Beginners who want the guided data entry but won’t mind Genealogy Pro’s sourcing limitations. Alternatively, experienced database users also may like the program’s structured approach and its ability to export to a SQL format.
Version History:
See previous updates/stories on
Genealogy Pro 2.2 (July 2007) (Changes)
* Provides options of displaying fields and images for individuals in the Ahnentafel report.
* It also fixes a minor bug where extras spaces appeared in the inidividuals listing, when imported from GEDCOM files.
Genealogy Pro 2 Version 2.113 and 2.114 – May 14, 2007
Version 2.112 – May 8, 2007
Version 2.111 – February 25 2007
* Genealogy Pro 2.111 fixes an isolated bug where double quotes within the name of a person will caused the web publishing version of a chart to fail loading on a web browser.
Release 5
Release 5 is intended to be the final pre-release version of Genealogy Pro 2.0. Release 5 is recommended for all users. It provides quite a few updates and two new features:
* Fixed bug where Individuals browser didnt update properly after adding new parents
* In the Individuals browser, the selection now stays the same after changing the name, even when the name is the sort field
* The formatting sort preferences for the individuals browser works as it should
* Sorting in the Individuals browser improved
* Fixed bug where deleting an image/document deleted the image/documents, even though it may have been linked to another record
* Fixed bug where multiple files were not loaded into a scrap book field when muliple files were dragged from the finder directly onto the field in the Individual or Family browser
* A new report type – the Ahnentafel report – has been implemented
* Merge file utility has been implemented, allowing exchange of files with other genealogists note: The database table format for individuals and families has been changed slightly to implement the merge facility. If you have built up a database using the previous pre-release versions, you may need to save your file as a gedcom file, then import it back to Genealogy Pro format, for the merge facility to work properly.
* Privacy functions have ben expanded to allow setting privacy of a lineage
Release 4
* Fixed problem where email was sometimes not copied into web page preferences
* Fixed bug where images not scaled correctly in some instances
* Fixed a image processing memory leak
* A new feature in this release is the Family Report – this is a summary view similiar to the web interface family view
* Fixed Gedcom import/export for non-standard name fields (eg aka, birth_name, etc)
* When the field names are changed, there is now a ‘memory’ of field name changes, so changes are reflected in new documents
Release 3
Release 3 fixes a problem where the of import of GEDCOM files with sources would fail. It also fixes a minor problem with the sort order of custom fields. This update is recommended for users who are importing GEDCOM files. If you already have Genealogy Pro 2.0 pre-release 1 or 2, you will only need to download this release if you are importing GEDCOM files.
Release 2
Release 2 fixes a problem where Genealogy Pro 1.0 files with sources could not be converted to Genealogy Pro 2.0. If you already have Genealogy Pro 2.0 pre-release 1, you will only need to download this release if you are using files created with Genealogy Pro 1.0x.