Note: ohmiGene 5 is the current version. This page is no longer updated – please visit the ohmiGene 5 page.
Older Page: ohmiGene
Note: February 2006 Information on the 0.90 Rewrite – a major rewrite of ohmiGene.
See previous version/release notes here at
Version 0.90 Beta – 16 Dec 2005
Details available here.
Version 0.76 b6 – 6 Aug 2005
* Correction of a bug in the Management of places
* Correction of bugs (deactivation of panels, crasing after a duplication or a copy of the genealogy) introduced in the version 0.76b1
PC : Various improvements (shortcuts, deactivation of panels, Tree 4G) and, possibly, correction of the problem (Error 3 in the launch) met by some persons.
Version 0.76.3
* Correction of a bug in the Management of places
Version 0.76 beta 1
* Many ergonomic improvements (Shortcuts …)
* New features
* Corrections of minors bugs
Note: Users should upgrade because it is still a free version and especially because following versions will not be able to update genealogies created with version 0.75 and older.
Version 0.75
* Contains many ergonomic improvements
* New features
* Corrections of minors bugs
Version 0.66b2
* A bug, concerning ‘sources’, which could arise during the export of a gedcom file was fixed.
Version 0.66
* Many ergonomic improvements
* Added: ability to print the working lists, to export it into a text file or a gedcom file.
* Added: ability to modify (for all the persons of the list) personal references, criteria of publication, marks, sources …
* Added: ability to display a dynamic tree (4 generations) of the active (or initial) person, which can be printed or used to navigate into the genealogy
Version 0.50b5
* Various improvements
* Fixes a bug which could arise during the export of a file gedcom (Unions and AKA)
Version 0.50b2
* Size of main window /interface changed to 940×660 versus 960×720
* It is now possible to associate an unlimited number of illustrations, notes or texts to a context.
* Modules allowing to manage names, places, sources and media were added.
* One history ( 30 persons) was added : It is possible to find quickly a person recently displayed.
* It is possible to define a initial person (‘probant’).
* It is possible to list ancestors (sosa), descendants or close parents of a person.
* It is possible to create working lists, according to a multitude of criteria, with ease.
In the next version, it will be possible to export them.
* Every person can be marked by means of 24 personalized criteria and found due to this mark.