Pedigree-Draw 6.0 has been released.
Pedigree-Draw is a Macintosh OS X application that provides for creation, editing and drawing of pedigrees (also called family trees, or genograms) of human or non-human extended family lineages. It was developed originally for use in analyzing population data gathered for biomedical and genetic research projects, and to aid the management of captive animal colonies. It’s been applied to other fields as well, including genetic counseling and life science education. Although not designed as a genealogical database per se, the program can be used to collect and edit biographical data found in the course of family history research, including pictures of family members, and display or print those data in standard hierarchical diagrams suitable for publication. Output may also be saved in Portable Document Format (PDF) for electronic distribution, or posting on websites.
A screenshot can be viewed here, and a 15-day trial version can be obtained here.
Requires: PowerPC G3+ Macintosh, running OS X 10.3+. Cost: $85
Pedigree/Draw 5.1, a MacOS 9 Application, is still free-of-charge here