Personal Ancestry Writer II (PAWriter II) v45, by Howard H. Metcalfe, has been released.
This is new genealogy program for MacOS 8.6/9 and Mac OS X that is free. It can be downloaded from
2005 is shaping up to be The Year for genealogy software for Mac users. This makes eight different active genealogy applications, plus several genealogy utilities.
From the developer:
It combines most of the features of the LDS Personal Ancestral File program (PAF) for the Macintosh (for which all development stopped a few years ago after release 2.3.1), with additional features that generate web pages (in HTML), word processing files (in RTF for, e.g., AppleWorks) and desktop publishing files (in MML for FrameMaker). The generated report files include genealogical dictionaries, registers, ahnentafels and lineages as well as some interesting text files and pedigree charts.
Consider PAWriter to be a possible next step in the development of Macintosh PAF had its develpment not been discontinued after release 2.3.1, i.e., “what might have been.” PAWriter is not meant to have the bells and whistles that are in the current crop of genealogical programs. The emphasis is on maintaining a genealogical database from which the user can write books and/or post web pages about a family.
Importantly, the use of PAWriter differs from other programs in that each statement given in a person’s vital statistics should be based on the evidence given or referenced in the notes for that person and/or for his or her relatives, and should represent the researcher’s best current conclusions as to the true facts. For this purpose, the notes should contain all of the evidence, substantiation, documentation, background information, clarification, interpretation and/or other relevant commentary. It is in these notes that source citations are referenced through footnotes inserted at the appropriate points in the notes’ text, as is normally done in books. (The footnotes will be included at the end of the printed notes in the generated reports.)