MacGenealogy.Org – Site Update Part 2

Update: the first thing I’m doing is getting the Mac Genealogy Software listing in shape. From there I’ll be updating everything else.

Not quite two weeks ago, I mentioned would be offline for a short time while I did some work on it.

As you can see, the work is done for the most part, at least on the website side of things. I’m still going to be tweaking the site layout and a few other things. I’ll be updating all of the older content as well as adding newer software in that’s missing from the database.

I’ve got quite a few things planned over the next few weeks, so you’ll see see a lot of new things, and if anything happens to look weird, just hit refresh/reload. These changes/updates have been in the works for over a month and I now have the time to implement them and will be doing so (and talking more about it later).

If you are curious about iPhone or iPad genealogy apps, as I mentioned last week, for the most part that will be covered with, however I have some plans for those apps as well – I’m waiting on my iPad and will be talking about them later on.