iPhoto 11 Update with Calendars

Apple has released iPhoto 9.1, which is actually iPhoto 11 9.1. iPhoto 8.0 is the version number of iPhoto ’09, so iPhoto 9.1 is iPhoto ’11 . Anyways, it’s an update for Apple’s iLife ’11 that resolves a few issues, and adds some additional letterpress holiday greeting card themes.

The major addition is that the ability to create and order calendars is now back in iPhoto. It was in iPhoto 09, and it didn’t ship for some reason when iPhoto ’11 came out with the release of iLife ’11. It was weird that it was removed, but it’s back. The update is recommended for all iPhoto ’11 users.

Link: Support.Apple.com or through Software Update.

* Provides the ability to create and order calendars in iPhoto.
* Additional letterpress holiday greeting card themes are now available.
* Fixes an issue that prevented videos downloaded from MobileMe or Flickr from importing correctly into iPhoto events.

I have no idea if this is a reflection of the popularity with calendars or what, that it wasn’t present in iPhoto ’11. I know plenty of genealogists who have made personal calendars through iPhoto for family members as gifts, with genealogy information (birthdays, etc.) and photos.