Heredis 2014 3.3.0 Released

Heredis 2014 Heredis 2014, version 3.3.0 released. Heredis is a cross-platform (Mac/OS X and Windows, along with iOS versions) genealogy program.

Heredis 2014 3.3.0 has an improved interface, including various improvements to the interface and data entry, and a more visible progress bar during synchronization, and improved exporting of genealogy data.

Heredis 2014 – BSD Concept – Mac App Store
Heredis – BSD Concept – iTunes/App Store

Heredis 2014 version 3.3.0
– Immediate family: a double-click in the blank area under the spouses launches a window for creating a new spouse.
– Source data entry window: improvement to the display of media.
– Persons panel: improvement to the updating after deleting a person.
– Synchronization: the progress bar is more visible.
– List of events: addition of a Cause/Information column.
– Fusion: improvement.
– Summary: for modified persons on 30 or 31 December of any year, the modification date no longer displays the 30 or 31 December of the following year.
– Heredis export: export of branches improved for marked persons.
– Various corrections.