Note: Please see the new GenealogyJ page.
Name: GenealogyJ (GenJ)
What is it: Java-based standalone genealogy program that uses the GEDCOM format.
Official Site ( | Project Page)
Cost: Free (GNU/GPL)
Last Updated: Version 2.4.3, released February 12, 2007
Requirements: Mac OS X 10.1+ (Mac OS 8/9 with current Java Runtime)
What you should know: This is the successor to Family Tree for OS/2 (as you can tell it goes a ways back, or at least the developers do). It’s Java based, so it won’t have the fastest startup (but once running, is very responsive). It won’t have the “Mac experience” (interface) you get from most Carbon/Cocoa-based Mac programs – don’t let that deter you though.
Impressions: It’s a more than capable program. It’s in constant development, solidly built, handles GEDCOMs created in other programs (any problems with GEDCOMs from other programs are probably going to be the result of those programs being a little lax with their GEDCOM output). If your looking for a genealogy program that you can use across multiple platforms, you should give this a consideration.
Notes: The program is executed simply by clicking on the “run.jar” Java file. The GEDCOM used was the default GEDCOM file that came with the package.
Screenshot Gallery:
Also – Main screenshots page at
Version History:
Changes in 2.4.3 (February 2007):
+ ui: table shows shortcuts depending on sorted column (with keybindings)
+ ui: more keyboard shortcuts
+ ui: delete properties from context menu (good for searching and manipulations)
+ ui: allow for multiple selections in editor
+ ui: support for ALIAses
+ ui: sort by multiple columns
+ gedcom: various fixes and adjustments for Gedcom support
+ performance: fixed memory leaks and increased io performance
+ report: reports are bundled into logical groups
+ report: new reports
+ report: reports can be re-compiled from ReportView