OnePage Genealogy – A genealogy printing service that supports Mac OS X. It is a one-page pedigree chart that is huge – as large as 3½ by 6 feet. Visit the link above, and look at the example, or just look at the photo, and you’ll see how big that is.
I mentioned OS X support, and they have it (not sure what is the minimum version of OS X that can be used). The charts cost $19.95, and it’s a three step process:
* Create your GEDCOM file (export from your genealogy application)
* Download the software to create your chart (picking the options listed below)
* Order your chart online (.PDFs generated by the software are encrypted and password-protected).
Options to customize:
* Page size (up to 3½ by 6 feet!)
* Font type and size
* Number of generations
* Whether to include your spouse and their pedigree
* Whether to include your descendants
You can also combine it with a timeline, that displays the following on the chart:
* Birth dates
* Marriage dates
* Death dates
I tried this but all I got was an empty PDF file of zero bytes long, and the application apparently quitting.
Anyone else get it to run on Mac OS X 10.4.2?
I tried it and all I got was an unreadable file.
I emailed the publisher a few days ago, haven’t heard anything back yet.
This is something I’d really consider using, too.