Note: The listings below were translated using Google, and they may not be 100% accurate. If you can provide an accurate translation, please contact us.
Fixed – Feb 2
* Under certain conditions, adjusted paths (file paths?) were not correctly set.
* Issue with persons with same birth/baptizing date, and/or with incomplete dates
* Problem with Windows version and special characters in names
Jan 28 – Added
* Import from Excel spreadsheets
* Generation announcement listed in either Roman or Arabic Numerals
* Something to do with pictures being added to sources, with partners
* You can leave the diagram area by using the escape key or context menu
* In the diagram area, you can switch to the next picture by using the space bar before the timer changes
* Improved GEDCOM import/export with ANSEL coding
* If doucments are added by drag and drop, they are examined to see whether a reference with the same name exists
* Fast search of individual listing added
* Plausability check works with publicized, shortened, and English months
* Plausability check works with incomplete year details (e.g. 189?, 18??, or 17_5)
* In document administratoin, the order of the entries can be changed/shifted
* In the document administration, if the output screen was deleted (closed?), another opens automatically?
* If GEDCOM importing lasted for a long time, a dialogue with no abort function opened
* The preface (default screen?) could not be set when starting
* The Remark window showed proected/private data records regardless of privacy settings
* “Mini Undo” with Apple-Z now reject the changed data (again).
* Various other bugs.