MacFamilyTree has been updated to version 6.2.6 by Synium Software. MacFamilyTree is a Mac OS X genealogy application that has a companion iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) app.
Release 6.2.6 is a bug fix version – it deals with problems some were having with saving databases and a few other things.
Updates in MacFamilyTree 6.2.6
* Error corrected that prevented some users from saving databases
* Wrong places count display corrected
* Several other minor fixes
If you’re currently a MacFamilyTree 6.x user, it should show up if you have automatic updates selected, otherwise you can manually download it through the normal software update. It can also be purchased through Apple’s Mac App Store.
Update: MacFamilyTree 8 – Synium Software GmbH is currently only available as a new purchase.