FTLCtimelines X

FTLCtimelines X versions, .03, and .04 have been released over the past few weeks. FTLC stands for “finite time lines and circles”, and FTLCtimelines X is a Mac OS X-only program that allows you to generate and work with timelines. There is an older version available for Classic/MacOS 8/9 users. This version does have iCal integration.
FTLCtimelines X timeline

Version – Changes
* Note: this version adds a preference file to the user’s Home Library > Preferences folder.
* Note: these lastest versions have undergone minimal testing due to lack of time on my part.
* New: Open recent file menu item (saved as preference file in home preferences [a binary file, not a .plist]). Optional number of files to remember, option to add merged files or not clear menu item option (menu item: File > Records….)

1) Event & Span Record windows Name text edit field made wider for longer names.
2) Help menu items moved to FTLCwindows menu to save menubar space.

Version – Changes

* Note: This version is currently only released on SchisaProductions Update page; it has been tested little; feedback welcome if you have problems.

1) Set minimum timeline size to avoid problems (crash when circle radius is to small).
2) Sometimes hash mark label chopped into start/end labels, fixed.
3) In some recent version of FTLC, merging files began bombing the program, fixed.

Span placement set down a little for two line axis.

Timelines picture windows (view of timelines going up, down, etc.) updated for two line Axis display options. (from timeline window, menu Options > Picture…)

1) Allows some modifying of parameters for deciding when to use what Unit of measure on a timeline’s axis (Units being Years, months, days, etc). (from timeline window, menu Options > Axis > Axis Parameters).
2) Allow input of Axis marks by giving a start date and the temporal length between the subsequent axis marks (from timeline window, menu Options > Axis > Axis Display [second panel of top portion of sheet window]).

Version – Changes
1) Adds option to have record names of up to 45 or 60 characters.
2) AutoScroll enabled on slider for hash mark widths in drop down (sheet) Axis Display window.