Reunion Source Usage Report -> FileMaker, Text

Tom Robinson released two AppleScript applications last month that deal with Reunion’s Source Usage Report, and converting it into either a text file that can be read into other applications, or importing it into a FileMaker databse.

iData 2.1.2

iData 2.1.2 has been released. iData 2 is a “freeform database application with optional fields”. Basically, if you have a lot of misc. information to store, you might want to take a look at it. It requires Mac OS X 10.3 or later, and sells for $69.95. You can download it here and use it as a demo for 30 days of use (actual use, not 30 days from the time you first use it).


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FileMaker 8 and FileMaker Pro 8 Advanced

Quite a few Mac users who rely on FileMaker for tracking their genealogy information and research might be interested in FileMaker 8, which is now available.