Macs, Virtualization, and Genealogy Software has written up a fairly extensive overview of the new Intel-based MacBooks/MacBook Pros, and how they could be of use to those genealogists wanting to switch to Macs, but still hold onto some of their Windows software until they have any and all migration issues sorted out.

You have to understand, this is head and shoulders above previous “Windows on a Mac” software – in this case, Windows has direct access to the Intel hardware and can run very fast. He discusses both options – completly booting Windows by itself with Boot Camp (there probably is no Windows genealogy software that would ever need to have Windows booted by itself), and using a new (and it looks like the only) piece of virtualisation software available – Parallels Desktop. It’s running Windows in a window under Mac OS X (although you can switch to full-screen, you are still running under Mac OS X). It’s not just for Windows either – it’ll handle DOS and other applications written to run on Intel (and AMD) hardware.

It’s interesting, and reasonably priced – if you know of anybody thinking about switching to a Mac, this might be the article to email them.

The article –

ohmiGene 0.97.4

ohmiGene 0.97.4 was released today. ohmiGene is a genealogy application for Mac OS X. ohmiGene is geared towards working with importing and exporting standard GEDCOM files. It can be downloaded here.

This is a major version change from the previous ohmiGene we had list – I am not sure exactly what has changed. Do note that it is available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.

MacFamilyTree 4.2.11

MacFamilyTree 4.2.11 is available, with several significant updates to the chart/display interface. MacFamilyTree is a Mac OS X genealogy application, and is a Universal Binary application – it will run well on both Intel and PowerPC computers, however Mac OS X 10.3.9 is required.

Family Ties (Familienbande) – April 25, 2006

Family Ties Familienbande

Two new versions of Family Ties/Familienbande have been released over the past month as well. The most current release is 25 April 2006. It’s a free Mac OS X (and possibly MacOS 8.6/9 with Carbon) genealogy application from Stefan Mettenbrink. It is currently only available in German, however it is useable by non-German speaking genealogists. We’ve provided a page with a list of translated features here.

A rough translation (checking against a few sites that translate text) of the changes are listed below. Please understand that any errors in the version history are a result of the translation software.


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Genealogy Pro 2.1

Genealogy Pro 2.0
There have been several versions of Genealogy Pro for Mac OS X released over the past few weeks, and I fell behind on keeping up with them. Right now it’s at version 2.1. Genealogy Pro is a commercial genealogy application (free demo is available), that runs under Mac OS X 10.2.8 and above.

Along with the changes to GEDCOM handling (import/export), as well as interface improvements, one major change that came about was the move to being a Universal Binary – running on the Intel-based Macs without the need for emulation.


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