Mac Genealogy Software that Supports LDS Ordinances

[wpfmb theme=2] maintains a listing of Mac genealogy applications and utilities that support downloading and uploading directly to Apps listed on this page may only support the ordinance fields in a GEDCOM file, but may not actually interact with, although they can generate GEDCOM files that can be manually uploaded to Family Tree/[/wpfmb]

[wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]Please see this page concerning the switch from TempleReady to the New FamilySearch Website[/wpfmb]

[wpfmb type=’warning’ theme=2]Several of the genealogy applications listed below have been updated or have major/new releases available, and this information will be updated (Feb/Mar 2015), however if an application is listed as supporting certain LDS features, newer versions should continue supporting such features.[/wpfmb]

PAW2U (Personal Ancestry Writer II) Supports:
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Endowment
* LDS Sealing to Parents
* LDS Sealing to Spouses
* Tag people with any LDS Ordinances
* Tag people with all LDS Ordinances
* “Write TempleReady Status of Tagged People”

Family Tree Maker for Mac 2 Supports:
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Confirmation
* LDS Endowment
* LDS Initiatory
* LDS Mission
* LDS Sealed to Parents
* LDS Sealed to Spouse

GEDitCOM II Supports:
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Child Sealing (Sealing to Parents)
* LDS Confirmation
* LDS Endowment
* LDS Initiatory

Gramps Supports:
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Child Sealing (Sealing to Parents)
* LDS Confirmation
* LDS Endowment
* Provides a List of Temples within the software
* Lists Status: Child, Cleared, Completed, Infant, Pre-1970, Qualified, Stillborn, Submitted, Uncleared

iFamily for Leopard Supports
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Confirmation
* LDS Endowment
* LDS Sealing to Parents

MacFamilyTree 7 Supports:
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Child Sealing (Sealing to Parents)
* LDS Confirmation
* LDS Endowment
* LDS Initiatory

MacFamilyTree 6 Supports:
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Child Sealing (Sealing to Parents)
* LDS Confirmation
* LDS Endowment
* LDS Initiatory

MyBlood Supports:
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Confirmation
* LDS Endowment
* LDS Sealing Child (Sealing to Parents)

Reunion 9 Supports:
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Confirmation
* LDS Endowment
* LDS Seal to Parents
* Possibly Others

GEDCOM Utilities
GedScape is a GEDCOM utility for Mac OS X that allows you to navigate and converte GEDCOM files and it does support LDS features, dependent upon the GEDCOM file that’s being worked with.

The following applications will support LDS options
Heredis for Mac (2012) (Available later in 2012)

The following applications also support LDS options
Heredis Mac X.2 (No longer available)

A few notes on LDS ordinances
Most of the above support the standard ordinances that are a part of the GEDCOM 5.5 standard and were handled in Personal Ancestral File (PAF):
Confirmation – CONL / CONFIRMATION_L
Endowment – ENDL / ENDOWMENT
Sealing Child – SLGC / SEALING CHILD
Sealing Spouse – SLGS / SEALING SPOUSE
Temple (name or code) – TEMP / TEMPLE

There are some data fields that some genealogy applications added that go above and beyond what is listed as part of the GEDCOM 5.5 standards – understand that those particular fields may not be exported should you export a GEDCOM file. The standard ones listed above should be fine.

[wpfmb type=’warning’ theme=2]Discontinued Mac Genealogy Software that supports some LDS options.[/wpfmb]

Family Tree Maker for Mac 2010 Supports:
* LDS Baptism
* LDS Confirmation
* LDS Endowment
* LDS Initiatory
* LDS Mission
* LDS Sealed to Parents
* LDS Sealed to Spouse

Personal Ancestry Writer II (PAWriter II) has support for some LDS Temple items. This is a Mac genealogy application that supports both Mac OS X and Mac OS 9.

GEDitCOM has additional support in creating files for LDS Temple work

Reunion 8Updated “LDS Temples” FileThe “LDS Temples” file contains the list of temples and temple codes which Reunion 8 uses for the purpose of working with LDS ordinance data. If your genealogy work does not involve LDS ordinance data, you do not need to update this file. From time to time new temples are built, and the list of temples changes. The download available here contains the current list of temples, as of June 18, 2004.

ohmiGene – I believe some work is being done in regards to LDS information, in ohmiGene.

Personal Ancestral File (PAF) for Mac (older version, for MacOS classic)

[wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]The following information is outdated/links are broken, the project is shut down, but it’s maintained for posterity:[/wpfmb]

Updated for PAF for Mac LDS information for PAF for Mac users:

For those still using this old classic program, I’ve posted an updated Temple list here:

Download or TempleList.sit and expand it, you should get a file called “Temple List”

Make a backup copy of your old “Temple List” file in your PAF folder, and replace it with the new Temple List file. The new temples should be available the next time you restart Family Records.

Logan Allred

A handout for TempleReady – to give you a background.

MacPAF – No longer in development.